Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Illustration using Pen Tool in Adobe Photoshop CS3

I have been wondering how to draw nice illustration using Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. I have been searching online tutorial for so many days. God knows how many days...The first tutorial was found in YouTube. However, it doesn't really help. The video showing the tutorial in fast mode. Can't actually followed the steps. The song played in the video was very nice indeed. I posted a comment asking the author how did he able to make such a smooth line in the illustration as weel as the name of the song. Sadly, there is not reply from him. I'm lucky enough to have someone who actually told me the name of the song.... XD

After a few days of hard work, I finally found out how to do a smooth line actually a nice tone line. Not just in a solid black line but a line that have different tone. hehe. I'm so happyyyyy...

Did some experiment on 1 of the linearts that I got from this site(http://mechanical-bunnies.com/tutorials/pstutorial.html).

This is what i have done using the pen tool...

Tool(s) Used: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Nice ah? :) By the way, this tracing back the line of a picture is called lineart. Normally, we will be drawing the line of a scanned picture before we starting to color it.

p/s: Special thanks to Jennifer Duong for her tutorial & image. :P


Anonymous said...

later u draw my face using illustrator, k :)

Anonymous said...

eerhmm.... if got time means draw mine also k.... hehehehe... good job fong.. keep it up